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The Polaris Secure Proxy can be configured using environment variables. The table below lists all available configuration options.

POLARIS_CONTAINER_WORKLOAD_BASE_URLThe base URL of the workload that the proxy will be protecting.
POLARIS_CONTAINER_ENABLE_LOGGINGSet to true to enable logging. Only the URL of the proxied requests is logged.false
POLARIS_CONTAINER_ENABLE_CORSSet to true to enable CORS if you need to communicate with the proxy directly from a browser.false
POLARIS_CONTAINER_ENABLE_INPUT_ENCRYPTIONSet to true to enable encrypted HTTP requests.false
POLARIS_CONTAINER_ENABLE_OUTPUT_ENCRYPTIONSet to true to encrypt the HTTP responses.false
POLARIS_CONTAINER_URL_HEADER_KEYThe name of the HTTP request header containing the encrypted URL of the request that needs to be proxied.polaris-url
POLARIS_CONTAINER_HEADER_KEYThe name of the HTTP request header containing the encrypted headers of the request that needs to be proxied.polaris-secure
POLARIS_CONTAINER_RESPONSE_KEY_HEADER_KEYThe name of the HTTP request header containing the public key to be used to encrypt the response.polaris-response-public-key
POLARIS_CONTAINER_CONTEXT_ROOTThe base URL for the proxied requests.
POLARIS_CONTAINER_KEY_TYPEThe type of key that the key management module will connect to. Possible values: ephemeral, google-federated, or azure-skr.ephemeral